‘Waste Architecture Platform’ is a complex project
conceived as container of initiatives devoted to
environmental architecture in connection with
interventions concerning the collection, disposal
and management of waste


Il Workshop è durato 2 giorni. La prima giornata è stata interamente dedicata alla presentazione di contributi orali organizzati in sessioni tematiche cui seguiranno ampi momenti di confronto e discussione. Ciascuna sessione è stata presieduta da un esperto del settore che ha modereto il dibattito.
Il secondo giorno si è svolto un laboratorio pratico di progettazione paesaggistica curato da Giovanni Maciocco, professore emerito dell’Università degli Studi di Sassari (IT), con la collaborazione di Israel Alba, professore associato all’Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Campus de Madrid (ES). Il laboratorio è anticipato da una lezione introduttiva sull’argomento. In questa occasione i partecipanti hanno avuto la possibilità di applicare nozioni teoriche e confrontarsi con colleghi ed esperti in tavoli di lavoro.

Il programma del Workshop è disponibile per il download. Per scaricarlo clicca qui.

6 OTTOBRE 2015 / 09:00-19:40

09:00 – 09:20  Saluti di benvenuto

Opening Lectures / 09:20 – 10:40
Giovanni Maciocco / Department of Architecture, Design and Planning / University of Sassari (IT)
Lecture on urban development planning
Israel Alba / Israel Alba Estudio (ES)
A recovered landfill in the construction of a metropolis: Valdemingómez Forest Park, over time

10:40 – 11:10  Coffee Break

Waste Architecture perspectives / 11:10 – 11:40
Emilio Ambasz  (video message)
Masterplan for the Portisco area on the Emerald Coast
Anna Artuso / Elena Cossu (IT)
Requalification of the Portisco area. Waste, energy and water management for a new eco-sustainable tourist village

Projects / 11:40 – 13:00
Andrea Bortolotti / Marco Ranzato (IT)
Wasteland rehabilitation in rural landscape: a project in the Verona plain
Kevin Ryan / David Bosonnet (IE)
Tramore Valley Park – vision to delivery: the rehabilitation of an old landfill site
Anna Artuso / Elena Cossu (IT)
Phytoremediation of leachate, in situ aeration and energy crops. An innovative project for the requalification of an old landfill site in Northern Italy
Wei Song / Yingjun Zhou / Hongyu Su (CN)
The application of Chinese traditional culture in landscape design of landfill closure

13:00 – 15:30  Lunch Break

Case studies / 15:30 – 17:10
Jeff Bishop (UK)
Working with Communities: Faster, Cheaper, Better!
Piero Simone / Monica Vercesi / Lorenzo Nettuno / Claudia Zaninelli (IT)
Community planning activities for Rehabilitation projects in Italy. The positive case of the children participatory design on the area
of Vergomasco landfill in Odolo, Brescia
Xinyue Wang / Jingting Guo / Dongbei Yue (CN)
Rehabilitation of dumping sites via excavation: a case study in Beijing
Mehmet Ç. Akkuş / Çağrı Ün / Kadir Aydin / Hasan Serin / Mustafa Özcanli (TR)
Rehabilitation studies of an old landfill area in Adana, Turkey
Paul Lightbody / Herbert Kers (AU)
Redevelopment of 3ha MSW landfill into inner urban sports and community facilities

17:10 – 17:40  Coffee Break

Strategies & approaches / 17:40 – 19:40
Silvia Dalzero (IT)
Rejected Landscapes – Recycled Landscapes. Waste disposal and recycling sites – perspectives and contemporary approaches
Wingsze (Vincci) Mak (CN)
Tseung Kwan O – A new town that grows with landfills
Katarzyna J. Cwiertka (NL)
‘Dream Island’ and ‘Sea Forest’: the afterlife of Tokyo’s landfills
Clelia De Simone / Vincenzo Cristallo / Sergio Cappucci (IT)
Multifunctional structure made with beached biomasses for requalification of landfills
Matthew Pryor / Yuxiao Chen (CN)
Landfill after use: planning for acceptance
Banu Sizirici Yildiz (AE) / Berrin Tansel (US)
Repurposing closed landfills for renewable energy generation: screening methodology

7 OTTOBRE 2015 / 09:00-19:40

Informazioni dettagliate sul Laboratorio di progettazione saranno presto disponibili.
