‘Waste Architecture Platform’ is a complex project
conceived as container of initiatives devoted to
environmental architecture in connection with
interventions concerning the collection, disposal
and management of waste

SPECIAL ISSUE SULLA WASTE ARCHITECTURE / Out of Waste Landscapes . pubblicata da Ri-Vista

Siamo lieti di annunciare che il giornale internazionale Ri-Vista, edito da Firenze University Press e indicizzato nei principali portali di ricerca scientifici, ha pubblicato una special issue basata su una selezione di paper presentati durante le sessioni sulla Waste Architecture al Sardinia Symposium 2017 e 2015. La issue completa è disponibile sul sito ufficiale di Ri-Vista.

“The contemporary interpretation of the relationship between waste and habitat is the theme of this special issue. The subject is increasingly treated, not only in the technical and technological terms of environmental engineering. What do we do with the waste that must be stored anyway, even considering efcient processes for the selection and recycling of waste generated by production and consumption?…”
Leggi l’editoriale completo del professore Gabriele Paolinelli, editor in chief di Ri-Vista.

“Speaking about waste management, nowadays there is a need for a global plan to link the different features of the land and drive the correct siting of plants in order to transform them into public spaces. From a lack of use of the areas improperly used in the past for disposal, it has now evolved into a process that generates new applications to use these spaces …”
Leggi l’introduzione completa di Anna Artuso e Elena Cossu, STUDIO ARCOPLAN.
