ARCOPLAN Studio associato di ingegneria e architettura
Arcoplan is an architectural and engineering consultancy active in the fields of architectural, landscape and urban design.
The product of the collaboration between Anna Artuso, architect, and Elena Cossu, civil engineer, Arcoplan has developed specific expertise in architectural and landscape design connected with waste management interventions aimed at the development of the concept of Waste Architecture.
Arcoplan specialises in design and consultancy activities and boasts extensive experience in functional landfill rehabilitation, environmental restoration, remediation of degraded land, reuse centres, integration of waste tyres collection systems and architectural design of waste pre-treatment and composting plants.
Arcoplan also strives to disseminate the above topics by collaborating to the organization of scientific conferences connected to the research activities carried out by the University of Padova in the field of environmental engineering.
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Giovanni Maciocco, architect and engineer, former Full Professor of Town and Regional Planning, is currently Professor Emeritus of the University of Sassari. In this University he was the first Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, which is based in Alghero, 2003-2012. He is coordinator of LEAP, Laboratory for the Environment and Architecture Project, which has seen over the years the involvement of universities from around the world in the research on environmental planning and design.
He is editor of the international series ‘Urban and Landscape Perspectives’, published by Springer and editor in chief of the international scientific journal CTA ‘City Territory Architecture’ (Springer).
He is the author and co-author of about 200 scientific publications including 30 volumes of which 7 international, published by Springer, Dedalo, FrancoAngeli, Lybra. His research, teaching and professional actitivity, carried out in Italy and abroad, is focussed on spatial and urban planning and architectural design and landscape environment oriented. His projects and his plans have been published in major international journals and books.
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Full Professor of Solid Waste Management, he retired since September 2018 from the University of Padova where he leaded the Research Center of Environmental Engineering. Former President of the School of Environmental and Engineering at the same University from 2000 to 2013. From 2009 to 2017 he was Editor in Chief of Waste Management, the IWWG international scientific journal on waste management published by Elsevier. From 2018 he is Editor in Chief of DETRITUS, the new IWWG journal for Waste Resources and Residues, published by CISA Publisher. He was President of IWWG (International Waste Working Group) from 2004 until 2009 , and currently is a member, of the Managing Board of the same Association. In 2017 he was recipient of the prestigious “A Life for Waste” Award. He has given a series of talks and presentations in conferences on Waste Management and landfilling throughout the world. He is author of more than 150 scientific papers and five international books on waste management, published by Academic Press, Elsevier, EF and Spon.
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Luigi Stendardo, PhD in Architectural Design, is Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design, at the University of Padova, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering [DICEA], since 2011.
He has been carrying on research projects in the field of architectural and urban design, working across an ever-expanding trans-disciplinary National and International network, and leading RELOAD_Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design, DICEA-UniPD.
Contemporary territorial, landscape, and urban transformations make the core of his research interests, with a focus on the relationship between urban design, public space, unacknowledged landscape and urban forms, as well as infrastructure, urban mining and circular economy.
On these topics, he has widely published, and has supervised PhD and M/Arch-Eng thesis, and Research Fellows. He has organized and/or joint, often as invited speaker, conferences and workshops.
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Greek-italian architect and photographer born in Padova in 1982, graduated from the IUAV University of Venice (2004, Bachelor; 2006, Master) and PhD from the Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Lisbon (2017, Double Degree).
Teaching and researching on the form of the contemporary landscape since 2011 in many universities, summer schools and workshops (2013/14, University of Trento; 2014, University of Pavia; 2011/2018, University of Padova).
His current position is Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering (ICEA), and permanent member of the Research Lab of Architecturban Design (ReLOAD) of the University of Padova.
Assistant Professor at the University of Padova since July 2002. She teaches ‘Environmental Sanitary Engineering’ and ‘Waste Management in Developing Countries’ modules.
She has cooperated in several research projects on wastewater treatments, leachate treatments on disposal and integrated management of solid wastes. In the last few years she has been mainly involved in a project regarding the decentralization of urban wastewater treatment plants and integrated solid-liquid management: wastewater reuse; phytodepuration of grey water and urine; anaerobic digestion of the solid waste organic fraction and brown water; hydrogen production from different organic wastes; phytodepuration by energy crops. Specifically involved in several solid waste and water management projects in Africa, she is the director of a Master on ‘Integrated management of water resources and environmental sanitation’ sponsored by the European Community and vice-director of the Master on ‘Technologies for the sustainable and intercultural management of wastes in African Countries’ held in Cameroun, at the ENSTP.
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